Friday, December 09, 2005

Why does God hate amputees?

So, I was looking up a word in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary this morning when I saw this at the bottom:

Ads by Google
Why Does God Hate Amputees?

Priceless. There's nothing like reading a critique of Christianity by someone who has done about 15 minutes of Google research. If you're a "religious leader," he'd like to challenge you to a Bible read-off on national television so he can use his giant intellectual "How Stuff Works" mandibles to crush you like the Leviticus proof-texting bug you are.

It's actually not as nasty as these things tend to be. He just makes stupid assumptions and makes them the basis of his entire argument. The funniest thing to me is that it's a sponsored Google ad on a frequently visited website. Weird.


Blogger fig-nuts said...

Hot Damn. . . I have not seen a steaming pile of pent up jesus bashing like that in a long time. It is so rare to acctually find something that is truely Anti-Christian. In my private high-school I was constantly warned about how the media hates Christians, but I have never seen anything this detailed and venomous.


1:39 PM  
Blogger Library Student Workers Blog said...

It's not as nasty as I thought it would be (Christian-baiting title aside)... I mean, all you have to do is watch Comedy Central or read the Onion if you want real Jesus/Christian-bashing.

Did you know all Christians hate Jews? I didn't know until the (supposedly Jew-run media) told me. Who knew?

This guy seems focused on making faulty assumptions and making those the centerpiece of the argument. I don't take Levitical law literally... and I don't know anyone who does (at least the whole thing).

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for a bacon cheesburger and a Saturday trip to the store for a cotton-polyester blend shirt.

6:48 PM  
Blogger nogoogleforme said...

The site has thankfully changed it's name to "Why won't God heal amputees" which is less inflamatory.

I've been using their forums for some time now and found them to be a good place for discussion. Plenty of Atheists, Christians and waverers there.

Jeff and Harbini, if some of his assumptions are faulty then why not visit the forums and make them known so corrections can be made? You'll find the forums quite welcoming provided you make a decent argument and provide sources to back-up your position.

Fig-nuts. At least once every two-weeks I receive unsolicited religious literature through my door. I receive the Alive newspaper (an Irish Catholic conservative publication) and helpful leaflets. In these, I am told that atheists can't be happy, that I don't care about my fellow man. This I consider to be offensive me-bashing. These accusations aimed at atheists are clearly unfounded and based purely on religious doctorine.

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, what are the faulty assumptions?

And wait, which parts of the Bible are supposed to be taken literally? And which interpreted? Oh, and which completely ignored? I always forget, hard to keep track which parts God actually meant.

6:03 PM  

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